Employee record with structure array

using namespace std;
struct emp
       char name[100];
     char  number[100];
      char depart[100];
       char distnation[100];

int main()

    int n,i;
    cout << "enter Number Of records...";
    cin>> n;
  cout << "\n\n\n";
    cout << "save record Emply :>"<< i+1<< endl<< endl;
    cout << "Enter  Employe Name: ";
    cin >> Emp[i].name;
    cout << "Enter Number:";
    cin>> Emp[i].number;
    cout << "Enter Department: ";
    cin >> Emp[i].depart;
    cout << "Enter Distination: " ;
    cin >> Emp[i]. distnation;

                  //  system("cls");
    cout << "Record Emply :>"<< i+1<< endl<< endl;
cout << "Employ NAme : " << Emp[i].name << endl;
cout << "Employ Number : " << Emp[i].number<< endl;
cout << "Employ Distination : " << Emp[i].distnation << endl;
cout << "Employ Department : " <<  Emp[i].depart << endl;
return 0;